by Supportive Apps

Books & Reference


As a child, Siddhartha the Buddha, was troubled by some of the same thoughts that children today have. They wonder about birth and death. They wonder why they get sick and why grandfather died. They wonder why their wishes do not come true. Children also wonder about happiness and the beauty in nature.Because the Buddha knew what was in the hearts of children and human kind, he taught everyone how to live a happy and peaceful life. Buddhism is not learning about strange beliefs from faraway lands. It is about looking at and thinking about our own lives. It shows us how to understand ourselves and how to cope with our daily problems using Buddhas Teachings. In this guide we will be learning about Buddhas beliefs, Buddhas Teachings, & the Buddhists way of meditation. In this app, we have included:- Origins of Buddhism- Buddhas Teaching- Buddhist Beliefs- Birth and Karma- Buddhist Ethics- Buddhist Meditation- Buddhism & Purpose---And more. The teachings of the Buddha are vast, but there are a few basic Buddhist teachings and practices that are fundamental to the path laid out. Although all of the teachings offer us an understanding of the tradition, here are a few that are at the core of Buddhism. We are offering an overview of each teaching in order to really understand how Buddhists think and where the thinking originated from. The purpose of Buddhas teachings is to show you the nature of the human mind, your human potential and how you can develop further. Moreover, this method does not emphasise blind belief in, rather than understanding of, metaphysical processes. However, whether you are religious or non- religious, or a believer or a non-believer, the important thing is to know the nature of your own mind.App Features:- Regular Updates - In-depth guide & explanations- Easy to read & follow- Buddhism FAQ